The Marketplace

For Staff-Constrained Organizations

Looking For On-Demand Staff?

Workstaff is partnering with some of the most prominent staffing agencies in numerous geographical markets and verticals. These agencies excel at providing quality, vetted professionals for temporary needs.

We're working on an easier way to connect you to these agencies, request staff, instantly see who's going to your assignment, review them, and more!

Interested in knowing more as we progress and be one of the first to be invited to the Marketplace?

Get Notified When We Launch

For Staffing Agencies

Offering On-Demand Staff?

If you're a staffing organization whose main activity is offering on-demand staff, we'd love to talk to you!

We're working on a brand-new way for you to get and fulfill mandates. You will not need to use Workstaff to manage your staff to join our Marketplace. All you need is to be interested in getting new mandates and new business.

Let's Get In Touch!